

Overall, we were able to succeed in implementing most of the basic elements of our game. 

The game has a consistent art style and good animations that tells the story of a Halloween night. The game has a working menu page and five levels that increase in difficulty. New elements such as falling platforms, moving platforms, more difficult level layouts, and new enemies are introduced later in the game to make it more challenging as the game goes on. 


Generally, with different members of the team working on different parts of the game at the same time, one of the challenges we faced was making sure elements were consistent throughout the game. 

We also encountered some tricky technical problems with moving platforms and the EnemyAI. Players would slip off of moving platforms and enemies do not move as we expect them to and sometimes they walk off the cliff and die (easy win :D). 

What you learned:

Making something work always takes longer than you'd expect. As we upgrade the game and add new elements, whether it be a new sound clip, fixing a bug on an object, or the camera work, things just may break all of a sudden. 

Possible future revisions:

If there were more time, we would want to incorporate some more types of enemies: hidden enemies that drop collectibles, an enemy that can shoot bullets to the player, and even an ultimate boss level.

We might also incorporate a health bar, and make different "fails" deduct different amounts of health: falling off should be an instance death, but getting touched by the ghost should deduct less. 

Get Super Panda World

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